Friday, November 4, 2011

Dueling Banjos... sort of

A piece I started about two years ago of my two favortie characters up on the bar just having a playful duel. Banjo vs Guitar!
Each of my characters has a furry and human side. Here you have Ares on the left in the kilt with the banjo and Shayne on the right with a guitar. They look a lot alike and its the running joke that Ares is a distant descendant of Shayne. (Shayne is immortal and is several thousand years old) These two are part of a band that plays at this pub that Shayne owns.
In the background I had intended on filling the pub with patrons, but this has sat for so long that I don't think it was going to happen. Its not as rendered as I would have liked, but its as far as I am going to take it. I just couldn't let it sit and collect dust any longer.